Teddy's Second Birthday

Right before the birthday...  Teddy was bad later this afternoon and had to be carried home.

Daddy just turned 38, Teddy almost 2.  Both of us are wearing our PaineWebber Juvenile Diabetes Shirts.
In the Bear-Chair at Grandpa's house.
Grandpa hosted the festivities.
Making a wish.  Mom made the vegan cupcakes.
After eating lots of blue icing


With cousins: Charlotte, Katie, Ted, Stephen, Mom

Sharing center stage with Christine

Birthday dinner: Teddy Spaghetti

Teddy's "cake" made from Sorbet.

Teddy becoming as Blue as his favorite character.  Next year, we're cutting out the food coloring.

Ted and his birthday front-loader.  Note that the vestiges of blue coloring on his face.